Frequently used laboratory pathogenic bacteria and their effect on human health


  • Priyanka Basera The Energy and Resources Institute, Environmental and Biotechnology, New Delhi, India
  • Meeta Lavania The Energy and Resources Institute, Environmental and Biotechnology, New Delhi, India
  • Banwari Lal The Energy and Resources Institute, Environmental and Biotechnology, New Delhi, India



Pathogenic species, Microbial laboratory, Opportunistic infection, Human health


Interactions between micro-organisms with humans are diverse in nature; it can be beneficial or detrimental. According to WHO, 2004 rate of infectious diseases were found to be increases widely and account for 10 million deaths every year. Microorganism consider as a pathogen, when it is capable of causing diseases to human. Which further includes; the invasion in host cells and tissues, adherence to cells, persistence, release of toxic substance, and evade the host's immune system. Ability of pathogen for causing disease is termed as pathogenicity. The pathogenesis of bacterial infection comprises of initiation of the infectious process by multiplying their number in host body which further lead to the development of signs and symptoms of disease.Infectious disease usually due to the detrimental interactions, and is specific to host and pathogen.

Author Biography

Meeta Lavania, The Energy and Resources Institute, Environmental and Biotechnology, New Delhi, India

Environment and Industrial Biotechnology


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How to Cite

Basera, P., Lavania, M., & Lal, B. (2020). Frequently used laboratory pathogenic bacteria and their effect on human health. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 7(9), 3764–3766.



Letter to the Editor