Study of substance use in teenage students in Miraj Town: a cross sectional descriptive study


  • Ganesh S. Lokhande Department of Community Medicine, Government Medical College, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
  • Shekhar S. Rajderkar Department of Community Medicine, Government Medical College, Miraj, Maharashtra, India
  • Sachin B. Jadhav Department of Community Medicine, Government Medical College, Latur, Maharashtra, India
  • Ujwala U. Ukey Department of Community Medicine, Government Medical College, Gondhia, Maharashtra, India



Teenage, Substance use


Background: Adolescence is recognized as the period for onset of behaviors and conditions that not only affect health limited to that time but also lead to adulthood disorders. Unhealthy behaviors such as smoking, drinking, and illicit drug use often begin during adolescence. Behavior patterns that influence health in adulthood have their origin in adolescence. The habit of substance use comes either from the peer groups or it may be generated within the family because the elders are resorting to one or the other form of substance use. Considering such factors, the present study had been undertaken with the objectives to study socio-economic class wise prevalence of substance use in study population; to study knowledge, attitude and practices of study population regarding substance use; to study various determinants that affect substance use.

Methods: Cross sectional, descriptive study was being conducted in selected High schools and Junior Colleges in the Miraj Town. The method of data collection was the pre-designed, pre-tested proforma.

Results: Various forms of tobacco, alcohol and pan masala were used by 58.9% of the family members/friends/peer groups of the study participants. Overall use [ever use + regular use] of tobacco products was observed in 9.0%, alcohol in 4.6% and pan masala in 33.3% of the study participants.

Conclusions: Several factors can enhance the risk for initiating or continuing substance use including socioeconomic status, substance use by family members or friends and peer group influence.

Author Biography

Ganesh S. Lokhande, Department of Community Medicine, Government Medical College, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India

Assistant Professor

Department of Community Medicine

Government Medical College Aurangabad


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How to Cite

Lokhande, G. S., Rajderkar, S. S., Jadhav, S. B., & Ukey, U. U. (2018). Study of substance use in teenage students in Miraj Town: a cross sectional descriptive study. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 5(6), 2308–2312.



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