Quality of life and disability: a study on bipolar disorder patients in remission
Bipolar I disorder, QoL, Disability, Pathway of careAbstract
Background: Throughout the world bipolar disorder is one of the leading causes of mental disability. But there are only few literature studies found on quality of life (QoL) and disability of patients with bipolar disorder. The study aims to assess inter-relationship between QoL and disability of patients with bipolar I disorder in remission and to assess the pathways of help seeking behaviors by the family members of bipolar I disorder patients.
Methods: This study involves non-experimental research design with purposive sampling method. A total of 62 participants from clinical group (outpatient department of mental health institute (Centre of excellence), S. C. B. medical college) and 48 participants from matched healthy control group included. World health organization quality of life assessment (WHO-QoL) Bref Odia version and WHO disability assessment schedule (WHO DAS) 2.0 used.
Results: Statistically significant differences (p<0.05) were found in all the four domains of QoL. Statistically significant differences (p<0.05) were found in cognition, mobility, life activity and participation in society domains of WHO DAS. There were significant negative correlations found in different domains of QoL and disability. A majority of family members consulted mental health professionals directly as the first modality of treatment.
Conclusions: Both the QoL and mental disability burden are equally affected in chronic suffers of bipolar I disorder, which requires mental health intervention at earliest as possible.
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